Purpose and Method

What is the purpose of Europe Teen Challenge? How is this purpose accomplished? Are the rehabilitation centers effective?

Purpose and Method

What is the purpose of Europe Teen Challenge?

Europe Teen Challenge (ETC) is a fraternal organization that assists the national Teen Challenge (TC) programs of Europe. These works are dedicated to reaching troubled people in Europe; not only drug and alcohol dependents, but gang members and anyone struggling with a life-controlling problem. ETC exists to provide connection, training, guidance and encouragement for all of these national programs. ETC will assist in establishing a program where no national TC work exists.

How is this purpose accomplished?

Teen Challenge programs in Europe use several effective methods to achieve their goals. We are faith-based organizations working according to the principles reflected in the Bible. Teaching and training those with life-controlling problems about how to live according to biblical principles is emphasized. Trained associates work one on one with individuals and their families in residential rehabilitation centers and community outreach centers located within the areas of Europe’s cities where drugs are making a significant impact. Teen Challenge programs are also involved in drug prevention, as well as working in prisons.

Are the Rehabilitation Centers effective?

People with life-controlling problems and addictions frequently need a residential rehabilitation program. Hundreds of rehabilitation centers are operated in Europe by Teen Challenge. Many of these centers have been recognized by local and national governments and are among the most effective drug rehabilitation programs available. Teen Challenge centers have a documented 'cure-rate' of 60-85%.

Teen Challenge programs are conducted within rural and suburban residential centers and at inner-city induction centers. Long-term residential care (9 to 18 months) is provided to help residents overcome their life-controlling problems. Emphasis is placed on the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, vocational, and social aspects of each resident’s life.